Pieces by bonbon”, is the brainchild of Rebecka Hällström. As one of the founding co-owners of the salon concept, bonbon, she has an already established reputation as a well regarded hairdresser and successful entrepreneur in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Rebecka has leveraged her industry experience with her entrepreneurial drive, to tap into a gap in the beauty industry and salon consumer marketplace. Identifying that there was a distinct lack of fashionable hair accessories that were on trend and had the right feel for consumers. So she went on to create her own product line to fulfil this need for consumers, with a completely unique brand, aptly named “Pieces of bonbon”. From its inception 12 months ago, the brand has taken off to become one of Sweden’s most sought after “accessory brands” for the beauty industry and salon consumers.
Hällströms vision after cementing their footprint in Sweden, “Pieces by bonbon”, is to seamlessly expand the brand throughout Europe in the near future.